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Иностранные языки
Тип работы
50% Антиплагиат.ВУЗ
Срок сдачи
1 Июл 2023 в 12:00
1 000 ₽
10 дней
16 Июн 2023 в 00:31
Описание работы

ТОЛЬКО НЕ ЧЕРЕЗ ИНТЕРНЕТ-ПЕРЕВОДЧИКИ) НУЖЕН ГРАМОТНЫЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК, КОТОРЫЙ ПЕРЕВЕДЁТ САМ в лучшем виде! :) (и сделает дополнительные задания, указанные ниже).

Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте 8 разных вопросов к тексту на английском языке и подготовьте краткий пересказ текста на английском языке в письменном виде.


Travel is the name of a modern disease which became rampant in mid-fifties and is still spreading. Its symptoms are easily recognizable patient grows restless in the early spring and starts rushing about from travel agent to another collecting useless information about places he not intend to visit, studying handouts, etc.; then he, or usually she, will round of tailors, milliners, summer sales, sports shops, and spend three a half times as much as he or she can afford; finally in August, the pa­tient will board a plane, train, coach or car and proceed to foreign parts along with thousands of fellow-sufferers not because he is interested in or attracted by the place he is bound for, nor because he can afford to go, but sin because he cannot afford not to. The disease is highly infectious. Nowadays catch foreign travel as you caught influenza in the twenties, only more so.

The result is that in the summer months (and in the last few years also during the winter season) everybody is on the move.

What is the aim of their traveling? Each nationality has its diffe­rent one. The Americans want to take photographs of themselves in:

(a) Trafalgar Square with the pigeons, (b) in St. Mark's Square, Venice, with the pigeons and (c) in front of the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris, without pigeons. The idea is simply to collect documentary proof that they have been there. The German travels to check up on his guide­ books (when he sees), that the Ponte di Rialto is really at its proper venue, that the Leaning Tower is in its appointed place in Pisa and is leaning at the promised angle - he ticks these things off in his guide­ book and returns home with the gratifying feeling that he has not been swindled But why do the English travel?

First, because their neighbor does and they have caught the bug from him. Secondly, they used to be taught that travel broadens the mind, and although they have by now discovered the sad truth that whatever travel may do to the mind, Swiss or German food certainly broadens other parts of the body, the old notion still lingers on. But lastly - and perhaps mainly - they travel to avoid foreigners. Here, in England, one is always exposed to the danger of meeting all sorts of peculiar aliens. Not so on one's journeys in Europe, if one manages things intelligently. I know many English people who travel in groups, stay in hotels where even the staff is English, eat roast beef and Yorkshire pudding on Sundays and Welsh rarebit and steak and kidney pudding on weekdays, all over Europe. The main aim of the Englishman abroad is to meet people; I mean, of course, nice English people from next door or from the next street. Normally one avoids one's neighbor (It is best to keep yourself to yourself - 'We leave others alone and want to be left alone' etc., etc.). If you meet your next door neighbour in High Street or at your front door you pretend not to see him or, at best, nod coolly; but if you meet him in Capri or Granada, you embrace him fondly and buy him a drink or two; and you may even discover that he is quite a nice chap after all and both of you might just as well have stayed at home.

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