Надо написать 4 небольших эссе на предложенные темы на английском языке. 150-250 слов. только не через чат gpt, его очень ловят:( я думаю, в чате можно почитать какую-то информацию для опоры и «вдохновения», но писать, кончено, самим
1. Why are cultural industries called “hit driving industries”?
(Give detailed answer)
2. Give at least 5 examples of industrialization of museums. Explain why these examples evidence the process of industrialization (Give detailed answer)
3. Find two examples from real life that illustrate two approaches to understanding creativity – as a product and as activity. In example of creativity as product provide description of required hard skills. In example of creativity as activity provide description of required soft skills (Give detailed answer)
4. Choose one of the new challenges for the university (mass enrollment; project-orientededucation; individual learning trajectories; sof skills and individual patterns of skills). Suggest future advantages (at least 1) and disadvantages (at least 1) of this challenge (give detailed answer)