ARTICLE 250 слов
Before handing in the article, make sure that:
1) your grammar and vocabulary are appropriate to the kind of writing you do (The Grammar of Formal English: substitutions, ellipse, cleft sentences, inversion, fronting).
2) you understand the difference between an article and an essay (Articles vs Essays.pdf);
3) you have chosen the right vocabulary (1. Vocabulary Skills);
4) your article is both coherent and cohesive (2. Coherence & Cohesion);
5) you have planned everything carefully before you start writing (3. Planning for Writing);
6) you have proofread your work a few times in order to polish it (4. Editing);
7) you have used the appropriate reference links (5. Reference Links);
8) you have checked your spelling and punctuation (6. Spelling & Punctuation);
9) you have a fancy title and the appropriate layout (7. Writing an Article);
10) you have considered a number of miscellaneous tips (Writing Tips, FederalPLGuidelines.pdf).