Complete this short conversation with the correct tense of the verb in...

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10 Мая 2023 в 13:00
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7 Мая 2023 в 04:42
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Complete this short conversation with the correct tense of the verb in brackets.
(you/usually/do) in the evenings?
(usually/watch) television.
(you/not/watch) television now?
2) Complete this short story with the verb in brackets in the correct tense: past simple or past continuous.
Yesterday something very strange phone to make a call and
(happen). I (find) that
conversation between two strangers. They president. I immediately
(phone) the police who
men and
(question) them. It
(turn out) that they
actors and they
(practice) their lines on the phone! I
silly, but actors
(give) me tickets to their play as they
(pick up) the (listen) to a
(talk) about attacking the
(trace) the two (be)
(feel) very (be) so
pleased I had believed them.
3) Complete the following sentences using an appropriate preposition.
1.She passed by us when we were standing
the bus stop. 2. We are
Harry's and Kate's wedding. 3. Where do you usually go
Christmas Day? 4. Let's
go and see Grandma
Easter. 5. The people who live
number 77 are away
holiday. 6. Our flight to London leaves
the second of December.
4) Put the words in the right order to make questions
2. do/the/you/how/to/often/dentist/go/?
3. today/is/weather/what/the/like/?
4. music/for/what/best/is/genre/the/you/?
5. wake/did/up/time/you/what/?
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