Контрольная по английскому

Иностранные языки
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3 Мая 2023 в 08:00
5 дней
30 Апр 2023 в 10:40
Описание работы

2.2. Прочитайте раздел Конституции, посвященный законодательной ветви власти в России, и найдите ответы на вопросы. Представьте их на английском языке

1. Who are the members of the Federation Council?

2. Who does the State Duma consist of?

3. What term is the State Duma elected for?

4. Who can be elected a deputy of the State Duma?

5. What does deputy’s immunity mean?

6. What are the duties of the State Duma Chairman?

7. What are the duties of the Speaker of the Federation Council?

8. What are the responsibilities of committees and commissions?

9. What are the State Duma and the Federation Council entitled to do if the President rejects a federal law?

10. In what cases may the State Duma be dissolved by the President?

2.3. Используя информацию из дополнительных источников, заполните таблицу. Cделайте вывод, что общего и в чем различия в законодательных процессах России, США и Великобритании.


The Russian Federation

The United States of America

The United Kingdom

The legislative body and its structure


Members of each House




Requirements for the members of both Houses




Who can introduce the bill?




The number of stages in the legislative process




Who signs the bill?



2.4. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями.

1. The British Constitution is unwritten unlike the Constitutions of the USA and the proposed European Constitution.

2. The British Constitution can be found in a variety of documents.

3. Amendments to the British Constitution need the approval of both Houses of Parliament, but they do not need the Royal Assent.

4. In the House of Representatives, debate on most bills is unlimited.

5. All bills must pass both houses of the Congress before it goes to the President.

6. Upon receiving a bill from the Congress, the President has to sign it.

7. The Congress has no right to override the presidential veto.


2.5 Составьте схемы устройства судебных систем России, США, Великобритании, указывая названия инстанций и кратко отражая их компетенцию на английском языке

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