The history and genesis of international institutions and organizations from precursors of modern IOs in ancient and medieval times and up to 19th century inclusive and start of 20th century

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70% eTXT
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28 Фев 2023 в 21:00
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27 Фев 2023 в 04:41
Описание работы
• Individual Essays on the history and genesis of international institutions and organizations from precursors of modern IOs in ancient and medieval times and up to 19th century inclusive and start of 20th century (up to the League of Nations, but not describing it!!!)
• 3-4 pages' structured narrative in English, with the title list, table of content, cited bibliography
• NO Wikipedia compilations, all work must be original
• All citations in the text should be put in quotation marks ("…") and have reference in footnotes
• NO compilation from another and NO teaming up!
• Submit by March 5, 2023
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Уникальность работы от 70%
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