Discover a conflict in international relations

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
70% eTXT
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25 Фев 2023 в 23:00
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10 дней
23 Фев 2023 в 03:40
Описание работы
Each student needs to discover a conflict in international relations (consider any case since 1990) and to prepare a small report on this conflict which will include the answers to the following questions
- The main information on the conflict (type, involved parties, period, a problem the caused the conflict, the standpoints of each party involved in the conflict
- The solutions that could be proposed by different theories in international politic
- The actual solution to the conflict (if it was found
- The effects of this conflict on the international relations and international business (primary and secondary effect; direc
and collateral effect
PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THESE TOPICS: Hoang Sa Islands: Conflict between Vietnam & China, Russia - Ukraine War. 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, May 1998 Riots in Indonesia, Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, China - U.S. conflict, China - Taiwan Tensions, Russo - Japanese war, Khmer Rouge, Kosovo conflict, Whisky war Canada- Denmark island conflict, Iraq War, Darfur conflict (2003-2010), 2020–2021 China–India skirmishes, Israel-Palestine conflict, Crimea & Donbas territorial disputes, The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaija
Requirements to the report
a) Structure – introduction, main part, conclusion, references, appendices (if necessary
b) References – at least 10 credible sources with in-text references. All tables/graphs/pictures should be duly titled and connected to the source of informatio
c) Content – critical analysis of the interests of the involved parties, a clear connection to the main theories in international politics, cause-effect analysis, clear, compelling, and concise communication of the main study results
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Уникальность работы от 70%
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