Limited Liability Companies and Corporations

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
70% eTXT
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26 Фев 2023 в 00:00
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10 дней
23 Фев 2023 в 14:40
Описание работы
This week we are looking at Limited Liability Companies and Corporations. The Directors on the Board of Directors for a corporation owe significant duties to their corporation and the corporate shareholders. Their duties include a duty of loyalty, duty of care and a duty of good faith. One of the main reasons for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was to provide a better mechanism to keep directors from breaching these duties and to catch them when they do. For this discussion forum you will need to find a recent case where a director or owner of a corporation is being sued for a breach of his duty to the corporation. Try not to use the same case any of your classmates are using.
To find cases, try searching the following terms: "Corporate Duty of Loyalty", "Corporate Duty of Care", "Corporate Duty of Good Faith", "Breach of duty of Care", "Breach of Duty of Loyalty". Try and find something recent and interesting
Your post organization should include the following headings
Case Heading and citatio
Facts: Explain what happene
Issue of law: Explain what legal issue the court had to determin
Decision: Explain the reasoning for what the judge decided and wh
Opinion: Share your opinion on the fairness or correctness of the decisio
This initial post should include at least 250 words
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