Hello ! My name is Alexey Ivanov. I am your supervisor of the master's work. The theme of your work is «Activation of schoolchildren's interests in folk music.».
List of questions for development:
Purpose, tasks, object, subject, research methods (section of the thesis "General characteristics of the work").
Relevance of the topic (section of the dissertation "Introduction").
1. Folk music in the sphere of interests of schoolchildren (section of the dissertation "Chapter 1").
1.1. Folk music in the system of musical education in China.
1.2. The aesthetic potential of folk music.
1.3. The educational potential of folk music.
2. Study of folk music in schools in China (section of the dissertation "Chapter 2").
2.1. The influence of music lessons on the development of students' interest in folk music.
2.2. Ways to enhance the interests of schoolchildren in folk music.
Alexey Ivanov, Ph.D