Контрольная по английскому языку

Иностранные языки
70% eTXT
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14 Фев 2023 в 03:00
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11 Фев 2023 в 18:40
Описание работы
1. Прочитать и перевести текст “English commercial banks”.
The English commercial banks have branches in all the major towns and a similar structure and mode of working is common to them ail. The owners are the shareholders. At the outset they provide the necessary capital. They are all organized on the joint stock principle and are registered public companies.
The Chairman and Board of Directors are elected by the ordinary shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and are responsible for the efficient management of the bank. The Board concerned with the over-all policy of the bank and the major decisions which put that policy into effect.
The Board will appoint a Managing Director who is directly responsible to them and a member of the Board. They will also appoint the most senior executives, who in turn appoint the rest of the clerical staff, who will be responsible in different, capacities for the day to day running of the bank.
The essence of a bank’s activities is the collection of deposits through current accounts and deposit accounts and the use of these funds to provide loans or funds for investment. The current account is the one commonly held and is drawn upon by cheques and standing orders. The deposit account is more in the natural of a savings account. The pattern of investments, which a bank decides upon is crucial because on the one hand, the bank must use the funds wisely to make a profit and on the other funds must be available for depositors to withdraw when they wish to do so.
2. Ответить письменно на следующие вопросы:
Who owns the English commercial bank?
How does a bank start?
What are the bank's main activities?
3. Найти в тексте производные от следующих слов:
to meet
a share
to work
to manage
4. Заполнить пропуски английскими эквивалентами слов:
1. The Board will appoint ... who is directly ... to them.
2. ... is the one commonly held and is draw upon by ... and standing orders.
управляющий директор текущий счёт
5. Вместо пропусков вставить один из предлогов: in, for, on, by.
... the one hand, the bank must use the funds wisely to make a profit.
The Chairman and Board of Directors arc responsible ... the efficient management of the bank.
The Chairman is elected ... shareholders.
Нужна такая же работа?
  • Разместите заказ
  • Выберите исполнителя
  • Получите результат
Гарантия на работу 1 год
Средний балл 4.96
Стоимость Назначаете сами
Эксперт Выбираете сами
Уникальность работы от 70%
Время выполнения заказа:
1 день 8 часов 20 минут
Выполнен в срок
Отзыв о выполненном заказе
Нужна аналогичная работа?
Оформи быстрый заказ и узнай стоимость
Гарантированные бесплатные доработки
Быстрое выполнение от 2 часов
Проверка работы на плагиат
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