1. What is a phoneme? 2. What is an allophone?

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24 Дек 2022 в 02:00
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21 Дек 2022 в 01:40
Описание работы
1. What is a phoneme?
2. What is an allophone?
3. How is a phoneme transformed into a phone?
4. What features are characteristic of a phone?
5. What are minimal pairs?
6. What methods of phonological analysis do you know?
7. What is contrastive distribution?
8. What is complementary distribution?
9. What are the three aspects of a phoneme?
10. Why do we need phonetic transcription?
11. What types of transcription do you know?
12. Which is more important: the quantity or the quality of a vowel? Why?
13. What is intonation? What is its most important component?
14. What degrees of prominence do you know? Describe each of them.
15. Three classifications of languages according to stress/rhythm. Which do English and Russian belong to?
16. Functions of intonation according to Peter Roach.
17. What types of English dialects do you know?
18. What is the main style-forming factor? Name all the 5 styles and their aims of communication.
19. What style-modifying factors do you know?
20. What is phonetics?
21. Which cavities does the air stream pass through when we inhale?
22. Which cavities does the air stream pass through when we exhale?
23. What is the function of the vocal folds?
24. What is the function of the soft palate?
25. What 3 branches of phonetics correspond to the stages of the communicative process?
26. Name the stages of the communicative process.
27. What is phonology?
Phonology - studies the way sounds pattern in a language.
28. What is the study of intonation called? О
29. How can pauses be classified?
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