Написать проект на английском где вы планируете начать новый бизнес или расширить свой собственный (воображаемый) бизнес

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28 Ноя 2022 в 08:00
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21 Ноя 2022 в 12:40
Описание работы
Short submitted paper is about a chosen country or region where you consider to start a new business or expand your own (imagined) business.
?Please, write a country report of the chosen geographical location which examines the local environment and business opportunities.
?Please, devote at least 400 words to the region’s or the country’s history and politics.
?Describe its culture with minimum 400 words, and then analyze the business prospects in the region with the help of tools the course provides.
?Please, refer at least five sources from the course readings
and add at least three further academic references for your discussion.
?The overall length of the paper is 2000-2500 words plus references.
Suggested journals:
?Journal of International Business Studies
?Journal of World Business
?Management International Review
?Journal of Global Mobility
?International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management
?Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management
?Critical Perspectives on International Business
?Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
?Journal of Business Ethics
?Strategic Management Journal
Politics and history of the chosen country (min. 400 words)
Find academic sources for this part
Culture of the chosen country (min. 400 words)
Find academic sources for this part
Internationalization (min. 200 words)
Based on one or more sources from below and find new academic sources:
Scanning the environment including international dimensions (min. 400 words)
Based on one or more sources from below, and find new academic sources:
Strategy formulation including international dimensions of strategy formulation (min. 400 words)
Based on one or more sources from below, and find new academic sources:
Strategy implementation including international dimensions (min. 200 words)
Based on one or more sources from below, and find new academic sources:
Current challenges and critical management functions – optional (min. 200 words)
Based on one or more sources from below, and find new academic sources:
Evaluation of potential success based on previously presented scientific analysis
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