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70% eTXT
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27 Ноя 2022 в 19:00
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25 Ноя 2022 в 01:40
Описание работы
Write an essay. The topic is "Failed states as a threat to global security"
You should choose one failed state and study its domestic problems and threats to global security. In an introduction, you analyze the concept of the failed states, and whether it is relevant. In the main body, you examine a particular failed state by your choice. You should focus on the economy, social, military, and political spheres of the state and the problems that it has there. In the conclusion, you summarize the information and draw a conclusion on whether this state poses a real threat to global security or whether this danger is overestimated. Your references should be done due to requirements
Requirements: text in MS Word, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 500 words, single-space, width alignment, introduction, main body, conclusion, references.
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