Comparison of the transition process in the former Soviet Union and China

Экономические дисциплины
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
24 Окт 2022 в 23:00
0 ₽
10 дней
23 Окт 2022 в 06:40
Описание работы
The essay should compare the process of economic transition from the system of centrally planned economy to a market economy in the former Soviet Union (not only in Russia) and China. it should address the following issues
What were the starting economic, social and political conditions of market-oriented reforms in the Soviet Union and China
The pace of reforms and their sequencing; their economic and political determinant
Results of reforms in economic and social term
Comparison of the current economic systems in China and in the successor countries of the former USSR
Differences between successor countries of the former USSR in their reform strategies and outcome
Forthcoming economic and social challenges in China and successor countries of the former USSR
The essay should not exceed 2,500 words.
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