Cross-cultural business issues task

Работа с текстом
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70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
18 Окт 2022 в 04:00
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10 дней
16 Окт 2022 в 01:40
Описание работы
In the resources above you will find an extract from the New World of Working survey and an article discussing the paradigm shift regarding the “normal” working environment, i.e. office based work vs remote working
Read both pieces of information and then answer the questions below
1. What does the survey highlight as the key factors for a paradigm shifts regarding work and Covid 19? Comment on what you believe are the benefits to a company compared to its employees of remote working
2. Regarding planning to move to remote work, we are told that there were companies that had not planned to does so, but following Covid19 their viewpoint shifted. What do you think hindered these companies from considering remote work
3. In the short Parlay Caf? article there is reference to productivity remaining the same or even increasing with remote work. Why do you think that is
4. I assume that you all experienced the shift from in-class to remote education as a result of Covid19. Comment on the way in which you see that you / your teachers / your parents attitudes shifted towards the change in educational format
Word count: Max 700 words
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