Контрольная работа по Английскому языку

Иностранные языки
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6 Июл 2022 в 16:55
10 дней
4 Июл 2022 в 07:46
Описание работы

I. Преобразуйте предложения так, чтобы глагол-сказуемое был употреблен в страдательном залоге.

1. I finish my work at about five o'clock. 2. My friend took me to the cinema. 3. You will answer all the questions in writing. 4. They will build the bridge next year. 5. He translated the text in time.

II. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения.

1. Your books were used in our class. 2. Many foreign ports will be visited by our students during their sailing practice. 3. This story is much spoken about.

III. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. This work will be done tomorrow. 2. The sailors were ordered to wash and scrub the ship’s desks. 3. I am recommended to read this English article.

IV. Употребите инфинитивы, данные в скобках, в форме герундия и переведите данные предложения на русский язык.

Образец: I can’t afford (to buy) it.

I can’t afford buying it.

1. He is afraid of (to catch) cold. 2. I don't remember (to come) across his name. 3. I have no intention of (to stay) here any longer. 4. He thanked her for (to buy) such an interesting book for him.

V. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. The lighting in this room is very bad. 2. The mother was trying to comfort her crying baby. 3. Looking at good pictures is a pleasure.

VI. Переведите на русский язык и определите, к некому типу условных предложений относится каждое из следующих предложений.

1. If they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there. 2. He would leave Moscow tonight, if he got all the necessary documents. 3. If it rains on Sunday, I’ll stay at home.

VII. Поставьте сказуемое главного предложения в форму прошедшего времени и сделайте соответствующие изменения в придаточных предложениях.

1. Не says that he was in a saloon speaking with some friends. 2. His wife writes that she was ill. 3. Susan says that she will go to London to see a doctor.

VIII. Переделайте следующие предложения так, чтобы они выражали законченные действия. Употребите Present Perfect и используйте наречия и обстоятельственные слова, данные в скобках.

Образец: She is explaining grammar to him (just).

She has just explained grammar to him.

1. They are moving to a new flat (this month). 2. He is shaving (not yet). 3. She is putting her coat on (already). 4. The sun is setting (just).

IX. Перепишите вопросы и ответьте на них письменно. Подготовьтесь к устной беседе по теме «Description of the Ship».

1. What's the main part of a ship? 2. What parts of the vessel are called the bow and the stern? 3. What part of the hull is called the bottom? 4. What is the deck? 5. What do we call the starboard side and the port side? 6. What is rotated by means of a helm? 7. What is the double bottom usually used for? 8. What must vessels designed for carrying cargo have? 9. What do we call the topside structure built about amidships? 10. Where is the ship’s machinery housed?

X. Переведите на русский язык.

The sea port of Zhdanov (Lat. 47°03'N; Long. 37°31Е) is situated in the Azov Sea, in the western part, northern shore of the Taganrog Gulf, 15 miles off entry into the Gulf, near the mouth of the Kalmius river. The port is open for navigation all the year round.

Icing may last from 30 to 50 days and can be managed through ice-breaker assistance by ice-strengthened vessels only.

With protection from seaward by moles (jetties), the port secures safe anchorage.

Lying at anchor on the roads Master should bear in mind that the roads are open to winds veering from NE via S to SW and that in the autumn the water level is subject to falls and rises on account of the winds. The roads bottom holds anchors well.

Twenty two berths, with depths up to 8.25 m, are specialized to handle certain commodities and provide for handling of export-import and coastal trade cargoes, such as generals, bulk cargoes (coals, ores, grain), liquid cargoes (oil products), metals, timber, food-stuffs, vegetables, fruits, etc., as well as accommodate passenger ships.

Нужна такая же работа?
  • Разместите заказ
  • Выберите исполнителя
  • Получите результат
Гарантия на работу 1 год
Средний балл 4.96
Стоимость Назначаете сами
Эксперт Выбираете сами
Уникальность работы от 70%
Время выполнения заказа:
2 дня 6 часов 35 минут
Выполнен в срок
Отзыв о выполненном заказе
Нужна аналогичная работа?
Оформи быстрый заказ и узнай стоимость
Гарантированные бесплатные доработки
Быстрое выполнение от 2 часов
Проверка работы на плагиат
Темы журнала
Показать ещё
Прямой эфир