Scientific article outline

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
70% Антиплагиат.РУ (модуль - Интернет Free)
Срок сдачи
2 Апр 2022 в 18:00
10 дней
31 Мар 2022 в 15:55
Описание работы

Volume: 2-3 pages of text (Times New Roman, 14 size, single line spacing)

Content: an outline of a scientific article must meet the following requirements:

1. Contains all the necessary sections (corresponds to the IMRaD structure)

2. Outline contains an abstract of the article, which provides key information about what was done in the article and what results were obtained.

3. The content of all sections of the article corresponds to what, according to the rules, they should contain (the rules are set out in the video lectures of module 2).

4. The article contains references to sources: at least 6 foreign articles or at least 3 Russian and 3 foreign articles (the bibliography and list of references are designed in accordance with the requirements of the journal).

Оригинальность в бесплатной версии антиплагиат ру 70%, заимствование из одного источника не более 30% информации

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