Английский язык (часть 2) Контрольная работа

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Trade advertisin
Definitions. Trade advertising is addressed to distributors, chiefly wholesalers, agents, importers/exporters, and numerous kinds of retailers, large and small. Goods are advertised for resale
Purpose The purpose of trade press advertising is to inform merchants and traders about goods available for resale, whether it reminds them about well- established brands, introduces new lines or, as is often the case, announces special efforts to help retailers sell goods, e.g. price reductions, better trade terms, new packages, consumer advertising campaigns or sales promotion schemes. Such advertising invites enquirers and orders and also supports the advertiser’s field salesmen when they call on stockists
Media of trade advertising. The trade press may or may not be used for this kind of advertising. There could be a mix of two or three media addressed to the trade. Direct mail is often used, especially when it is necessary to provide a lot of information such as consumer advertising campaign schedules giving dates and times when and where advertising will be taking place in the press or on radio and/or television. Another useful medium is the trade exhibition, sponsored by a trade magazine or trade association, which will be attended by distributors. Some of the larger exhibitions may also be open, or open on certain days, to the general public as well, e.g. motor-car and furniture exhibitions. Occasionally, commercial television time may be bought to tell retailers about new lines, or retailers may be mailed to tell them that consumer advertising campaigns are about to appear on TV
Special characteristics . Since the object of trade advertising is to encourage shopkeepers (whether large chains or one-man businesses) to stock up the product (especially to achieve adequate distribution in advance of a consumer advertising campaign), emphasis will be placed on the advantages of so doing. The advantages will be higher sales and more profits, and the appeal will be to the retailer’s desire to make money. In so doing, trade advertising will also have to compete with the ‘selling-in’ activities of rival manufacturers
Выполните задания
Определите являются ли следующие предложения; правдой (T), ложью (F) или нет информации в тексте(NS)
a. Direct mail is sponsored by a trade magazine or trade association, which will be attended by distributors
b. Giving information about goods available for resale to traders and merchants is the purpose of trade press advertising
c. Direct mail advertising invites enquirers and orders and supports the advertiser’s field sales clerks when they call on stockists
d. The disadvantages will be lower sales and less profits
Задайте три вопроса к следующему предложению
Direct mail is often used when it is necessary to provide a lot of information
Определите в предложениях слова, выполняющие функции подлежащего и сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык
a. You must listen to the tape-recording of this text several times
b. You must take your examination in English
c. She can translate this article without a dictionary
d. He must work systematically if he wants to know French well
e. He was to tell her where to find us
f. She was to graduate that year
g. I had to do a lot of homework yesterday
h. You must take part in this work
i. You shouldn’t have come so late
j. You should be more polite to him
и т.д
Нужна такая же работа?
  • Разместите заказ
  • Выберите исполнителя
  • Получите результат
Гарантия на работу 1 год
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Эксперт Выбираете сами
Уникальность работы от 70%
Время выполнения заказа:
3 дня 19 часов 20 минут
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Оформи быстрый заказ и узнай стоимость
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