Emily dickinson and the experience of metaphor paper specifications

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4 Янв 2022 в 01:40
Описание работы
Emily Dickinson and the Experience of Metaphor
Paper Specifications
Essays should be printed and turned in before the module begins. You will write a series of two-page essays in response to reading assignments.
All written work should be formatted according to the following:
1. Font should be 12pt. Times New Roman
2. Essays should be double spaced
3. One-inch margins on all four sides of each page of the essay
4. In the top left-hand corner include name and date
5. At the top center of page one include an original title focused on your essay’s concern(s)
6. Page numbers should appear on the center or right corner bottom of each page except on the first page (where page numbers are unnecessary)
7. Book titles should appear in italics; titles of stories or poems should appear inside “quotation marks”
8. For the first mention of an author use full name; for subsequent references use last name only
9. Quotes should be introduced (as the narrator explains...) and followed by a page reference
10. Papers should be between 2 -3 pages
11. Make sure that your sources are accurate and appropriate for academic work. Books, academic journal articles, newspaper articles, government websites and documents are all acceptable sources for a paper of this nature. The use of Wikipedia is strictly prohibited!
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