International large-scale (PISA, TIMSS, etc.) in the exams, questions such as the gender of the student, the economic and educational status of their parents, the type of school, family support, the number of books in the house, whether there are works of art in the house, the profession they want to do in the future are given. With the data obtained from these questions on sociology of education in the context of student achievement that describe the relationship between theories, concepts and critiques in the light of any of the exams TIMSS and Pisa (it may be a year, but most prefer the current ones) student, parent and school examinations utilizing various reports published the results of surveys and assess.
Some concepts you can use;
Confrontational Theory
Equality of opportunity
Cultural capital
The hidden curriculum
Cultural reproduction
Gender differences
Socioeconomic differences
The Layers
Sources of inequality
Social change, etc.
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