1. Use in-text references (with pages) and a reference list (with links)
2. Use quotes from the book (with pages). Make sure that in the references there is the book you used for quoting
3. Write an proper introduction (with a thesis statement) and a proper conclusion
4. Do NOT retell the plot !!! Your reader is acquainted with it
5. Use at least 3 articles to work with (additionally, web-sites and you-tube videos can also be used if with reference)
6. Make sure you put a reference to everything that is not your own thought!
7. Have a minimum of 1500w.
15% (the originality of the work must be at least 85%)
Words: 1500 words
Style: Academic (MLA/MHRA)
Formatted in Word, font Times New Roman 12, double spaced, left margin 3 cm., top, right and bottom 2 cm, paper size A4.