Ответить на данные темы с переводом на русский язык к 29.11.21 к 12:00

Иностранные языки
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70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
27 Ноя 2021 в 19:00
0 ₽
10 дней
22 Ноя 2021 в 20:40
Описание работы
Ответить на данные темы с переводом на русский язык к 29.11.21 к 12:0
1 The function of law in the society (text Why do we need law? Law and Society
2 Legal profession in the UK. Barristers and Solicitors (text Legal Profession
3 Legislation in the Russian Federation (text Legislation in Russia
4 Legislation in the UK. Bill’s passage through the Parliament (text Legislation in the United Kingdom)
5 Legislation in the USA. General process for making Bill into a law (text Lawmaking Procedure in the USA
6 State and political system in the Russian Federation (text The system of State and Government of the Russian Federation)
7 The UK system of state and government (text the System of Government of the United Kingdom)
8 The US system of state and government (text Overview of the United States Government and Policies)
9 Legal systems of the world: Common law (text Common law) and Civil law (text Civil law) systems
10 The US court system (text Federal Court System, text State court system)
11 The UK court system (text Courts in the United Kingdom)
12 The court system in the Russian Federation (The structure of the RF Courts text1, text 2
13 History of the UN (text History of the UN)
14 The UN General Assembly (text The UN General Assembly
15 The UN Security Council (text The Security Council
16 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (text Human rights and Humanitarian Assistance, exc. 4 p. 207, exc. 6 p. 209) .
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Уникальность работы от 70%
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2 дня 23 часа 20 минут
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