Write a 10 pages essay

Работа с текстом
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
27 Ноя 2021 в 05:00
0 ₽
10 дней
23 Ноя 2021 в 14:40
Описание работы
Your task is to describe the Corporate Governance system of a public company. Any public company can be taken for the examination.
Your report should contain the following elements:
The description of a company: sector of economy, financial indicators, development dynamics, main competitors, SWOT-analysis, the shareholders' equity distribution
The overview of the CG in the company: bodies, committees, members of the Board and their competences
The findings:
What model of CG the company is close to?
Is the CG in the company effective? Are there evident drawbacks?
What improvements can you propose in the CG system?
Formal requirements:
The assignment needs to be typed, in the following format: Font size 12 point, spacing 1.5, left and right margins set at 2.5. The pages need to be numerated. In the content list page numbers are to be given under the different sub-headlines. The number of pages of the paper does not include front page, content list, bibliography and/or appendix/s. The length of the report is approximately 8-10 pages.
References needs to be given in parenthesis in the text (and not in footnotes). A proper reference is given with the name of the author, publication year and page number/s when necessary (page number/s of the reference is used when giving direct quote/s).
If the reference has two authors, both names need to be written. If the reference has more than two authors, write the name of the author first mentioned followed by et.al., as shown in the example above. The references used in the text must in addition always be cited in the bibliography. The bibliography needs to be given in alphabetical order at the end of the assignment.
Example of a bibliography:
Book written by author:
Surname, First name (year): Full title of the book. Place where published: Publisher. (Edition, nr)
Book written by two or three authors:
Surname, first name, name 2 first name surname and name 3 first name surname (year): Full title. Place where published: Publisher. (edition, nr)

Articles in journals:
Surname, First name (year): Full title of article. Title of magazine. Volume/year. Page numbers.

Publications with several given authors or no given author:
Full title. If given editor Surname, First name (ed)/ if given authors name 1 Surname, First name, et.al. Place where published: Publisher, year. (Edition, nr)

Literature published on the internet:
Author (year): title, complete site address (date when data was collected for use)

Figures, tables etc should be numerated, and given a short explicatory text.
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