1. Define the following oppositions and say what grammatical categories they constitute:
Girl::girl’s, cat::cats, is made::made, nice::nicer, is reading::read
2. Do the morphemic analysis of the following words:
Faster, books, outcome.
3. Arrange the words in groups, their grammatical form being taken into consideration:
Will say, likes, said, smallest, has arrived, wives, are writing, men, concentrated.
4. Point out cases of neutralization and transposition:
a. The girl was always complaining.
b. Before he said the truth, he smoked a cigarette.
5. Define the syntagmatic meanings of the Possessive Case in the following sentences:
c. He showed me his uncle’s apartment.
d. At the dean’s office all students are waiting for.
e. I forgot the woman I danced with yesterday’s name.
6. State the function оf the underlined verbs (notional, functional, semi-notional):
1. The boy became red.
2. He can read English essays.
3. We shall arrange it.
4. He likes his women thin.
7. State the type оf the predicatiоn (primary, secоndary, implicit).
1. He wrote many interesting English books.
2. The film is worth seeing.
3. I want you to help me.
4. I was late because of the rain.