What should be included: Some information on the economy of the state: the level of economic development; financial, technologic and work resources; the influence of the pandemic on it; etc.
Measures taken/suggested by a national government/organization in the field of aviation in order to support the industry and fight the consequences of COVID-19.
The information about national air companies, airports and membership in the International Organizations mentioned in the Report of the Expert.
General information on the country’s political course, cooperation with other political actors over the issue.
A list of theses to include in the Resolution, suggested by your delegation (what you would like to suggest to the International Community).
To prepare yourself better you can use the following sources:
The speeches of the officials of the state/organization.
The Convention on International Civil Aviation (the Chicago Convention)
Council Aviation Recovery Taskforce (CART)
ICAO website
IATA website
ILO website
The sources used in the Report of the Expert
The websites of national ministries.
Dag Hammarskj?ld Library
Fell free to address to different UN bodies!