How far can the Europe keep expanding and integrating or disintegrating?

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70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
20 Мар 2021 в 15:00
600 ₽
10 дней
15 Мар 2021 в 14:40
Описание работы
You are expected to provide a short but well-structured analysis of the academic discourse regarding a topic chosen or the paper. In the paper, it is expected that you set out the economic and legal debate surrounding the topic, which includes opinions expressed by others from both academic and from legal documents, but also includes your own voice. In this course, your opinion, if it is well substantiated, is of our interest. For example, you can suggest that some arguments are not raised in literature that should have been raised (and add why they should have been raised); you can reason that a certain judgment does not square with previous judgments, judgments elsewhere, or are in conflict with an extra-legal argument. However, do note that your opinion has to be an academic opinion
Academic papers may vary in structure and set-up, but usually contain an introduction to the discussion statement, followed by an exposé of arguments (usually, but not always, pro- and con-), coming to a logical conclusion. While discussing the various arguments, make sure to express your own (substantiated) viewpoints
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