State the type of each figure of speech in the following cases:

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6 Дек 2020 в 23:55
10 дней
3 Дек 2020 в 19:13
Описание работы

1.They swarmed up in front of Sherbum’s palings as thick as they could jam together, and you couldn’t hear yourself think for the noise (Twain). 14.A Manual o f English Stylistics 2.The face wasn’t a bad one\ it had what they called charm (Galsworthy). 3.It (the book) has a — a — power, so to speak, a very exceptional power, in fact, one may say, without exaggeration it is the most powerful book o f the month... (Leacock). 4. Large houses are still occupied while weavers’ cottages stand empty... (Gaskell). 5.I looked at the First of the Barons. He was eating salad -— taking a whole lettuce leaf on his fork and absorbing it slowly, rabbit-wise — a fascinating process to watch (Mansfield). 6.He had an egg-like head, frog-like jaws... (Chesterton). 7.Slowly, silently, now the moon Walks the night in her silvery shoon, This way and that she peers and sees Silver fruit upon silver trees... (De La Mare) 8. Wherever the kettledrums were heard, the peasant threw his bag of rice on his shoulder, tied his small savings in his girdle, and fled with his wife and children to the mountains or the jungles, and the milder neighbourhood o f the hyena and the tiger (Macauley). 9.He is the Napoleon of crime (Conan Doyle). 10.We have all read a statement... we have all, I say, been favoured by perusing a remark... (Thackeray). 11.The Major again pressed to his blue eyes the tips of the fingers that were disposed on the ledge of the wheeled chair with carefu l carelessness, after the Cleopatra model: and Mr. Dombey bowed (Dickens). 12.Then flashed the living lightning from her eyes, And streams of horror rent the affrighted skies. Not louder shrieks to pitying heaven are cast, When husbands or when lap-dogs breathe their last. (Pope) 13.Every man has somewhere in the back of his head the wreck of a thing which he calls his education. My book is intended to embody in concise form these remnants o f early instruction (Leacock).

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