What is the best method to learn about the world

Иностранные языки
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75% eTXT
Срок сдачи
16 Ноя 2020 в 00:55
10 дней
12 Ноя 2020 в 20:42
Описание работы

Дисциплина: Философия

Тема: What is the best method to learn about the world? Is it scientific method? Or are there alternative equally legitimate ways (religion, philosophy, art) to acquire knowledge? If science is the best way to gain knowledge, what gives it this special status? If there are alternative legitimate ways to reach knowledge explain why these ways are also equally (or more) legitimate.

Объём работы: 900 слов

Язык написания: Английский язык


•    While writing your essays, you are expected to describe/define and mention at least 5 of the following concepts: (proposition, knowledge, justification, reasoning, observation, naïve inductivism, verification, sentence, belief, information, demarcation principle, hypothetico deductivism, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning).

•    In the essay please mention at least one of the following thinkers and their opinions on science or knowledge: Plato/Socrates, David Hume, Francis Bacon, Carl Hempel, Karl Popper.

•    Do not use any direct quotation longer than two sentences.

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