Ответы на вопросы - стилистика

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2 Ноя 2020 в 10:00
300 ₽
5 дней
1 Ноя 2020 в 23:28
Описание работы

Упражнение 22. Проанализируйте стилистические фигуры, основанные на особой лексико-синтаксической организации высказывания (перечислении, нарастании, антитезе, оттягивании), с точки зрения их стилистической функции.

3. It (the book) has a - a - power, so to speak, a very exceptional power; in fact, one may say, without exaggeration it is the most powerful book of the month.. (Leacock)

4. Doolittle. I've no hold on her. I got to be agreeable to her. I got to give her presents. I got to buy her clothes. . I am a slave to that woman. (B. Shaw)

5. Music makes one feel so romantic - at least it gets on one's nerves, which is the same thing nowadays. (Wilde)

6. She moves into the kitchen, angry but not angry enough. She should be really sore, or not sore at all, since all he had said was what he had done a couple hundred times. Maybe a thousand times. Say, on the average once every three days since 1956. (Updike)

7. "I shall be sorry, I shall be truly sorry to leave you, my friend. (Dickens)

8. Women have a wonderful instinct about things. They can discover everything except the obvious. (Wilde)

9. . in Carolyn thick and thin, red and blue, health and highstrungness had blended just right. . (Updike)

10. In marriage the upkeep of woman is often the downfall of man. (Evans)

11. But the rest, the neighborhood Black Hand terrorists, the freelance shylocks, the strong-arm bookmakers operating without the proper, that is to say paid, protection of the legal authorities, would have to go. (Puzo)

12. In his anxiety to be secret he is delicate on the accelerator and the motor, idle for hours in the air of an early spring day, is cold, sticks, and stalls. (Updike)

13. "I still don't believe it. I'm numb, paralyzed. I shudder at the thought of seeing Marty's wife and the kids. I'd rather be lashed with a bullwhip than go over there." (Grisham)

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