2 задания по первому тексту и один по второму.

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
8 Окт 2020 в 05:00
0 ₽
10 дней
5 Окт 2020 в 18:41
Описание работы
1. 6 вопросов к тексту - 3 специальных и 3 общих
2. выписать сказуемые , определить время и залог глагола
THE GREAT NORTHERN SEA ROUTE. The Northern sea Route is very important for out country. It has many modern ports, refueling centres and a great number of radio-beacons, which make navigation in the Arctic waters safe. Ships sail from Arkhangelsk to Vladivostok the distance of 11.000 nautical miles in 19 days. Every spring many ships in St. Petersburg. Murmansk and Arkhangelsk get ready for the Arctic navigation season. During the season there is heavy traffic along the Northern Sea Route. Big ocean-going vessels of the merchant fleet take to the north food and manufactured goods. fuel. construction materials, lorries, cars and motor-cycles. Here one may meet British, French and Norwegian fishing ships in the Barents sea, and in the Kara sea one may come across foreign ships carrying Siberian timber from the port of Igarka and Dubinka. Among the passengers there are personnel for the polar stations : workers, agronomists, engineers and technicians, research workers, and geologists, fishermen and timbermen. Many people sail to the rich territories in the north, their families go with them
3. Выписать из текста глаголы в страдательном залоге и указать их неопределенную форму
About 80% of ships are equipped with marine diesel engines as main propulsion engines. The engine-room - - is generally located in the after part of the tankers and bulk-carriers and amidships in majority of passenger liners and freighters. The main engines drive the propeller
We enter the engine-room. The first thing we see is the main diesel engine, control stand with starting lever, gauges of fuel, oil and water pressure, telegraph, air distributor, exhaust pipe and a number of different pipings.
When we speak about technical data of a diesel engine we mean : power output, number of cylinders, cylinder bore, piston stroke, mechanical efficiency (indicated) , mean effective pressure, specific fuel oil consumption, compression pressure, combustion pressure, number of working hours
Mostly often used diesel engines are those of the firms B&W, Sulzer, MAN, Fiat and others. They are recommended as main propulsion engine due to the simplicity in construction, reliability and economy in operation.
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Гарантия на работу 1 год
Средний балл 4.96
Стоимость Назначаете сами
Эксперт Выбираете сами
Уникальность работы от 70%
Время выполнения заказа:
1 день 9 часов 19 минут
Выполнен в срок
Отзыв о выполненном заказе
Нужна аналогичная работа?
Оформи быстрый заказ и узнай стоимость
Гарантированные бесплатные доработки
Быстрое выполнение от 2 часов
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Темы журнала
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Прямой эфир