Выполнить 2 задания

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
4 Июн 2020 в 14:00
10 дней
2 Июн 2020 в 04:42
Описание работы
Forces Acting on an Airplane in Flight
Ex.1. Look at the picture and answer the following questions.
1) Which force acts… upward?
2) Which forces act in the opposite directions?
3) Which force is provided by the airplane’s propulsion system?
4) Which force is created because any object moving through a fluid produces friction?
5) Which force must be greater than the aircraft weight in order for the aircraft to
leave the ground?
6) Which force is developed by the wings of the aircraft?
Ex.2. Read and translate the information about the axes of rotation:
The three axes of the airplane are perpendicular to each other and pass through
the center of gravity of the airplane.
Roll axis (longitudinal axis) passes through the airplane from front to rear.
Pitch axis (horizontal or lateral axis) passes through the airplane from one
side to the other.
Yaw axis (vertical axis) passes through the airplane from top to bottom.
Axes of Rotation
An airplane can rotate around all three axes simultaneously or it can rotate around
just one axis.
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