Эссе на английском языке по предмету основы теории коммуникаций

Гуманитарные дисциплины
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Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
20 Апр 2020 в 15:00
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10 дней
16 Апр 2020 в 14:40
Описание работы
Write an essay about 1000 words long to outline the following:
1. What is your research according to the typology (objective/interpretative; are you determinist or believe in a free will)? Explain why the theory you’re using in your research is good or bad.
2. What would be the major model in your research: linear, transactional or interactional? Why? For this part please see another course textbook by West, chapter 1.
3. What is the communication theory paradigm of your research? Why?
Any borrowed pieces of information without a proper citation are considered as plagiaris
and your grade would be 0 points
An essay must have 3 main parts
Main Bod
Introduction should
 Contain a definition of the key concepts and state the essay proble
 Introduce the structure of the essay (e.g. XYZ dimensions
Main body should
 Contain all the points mentioned in introductio
 Have statement-argument-conclusion structure for each argumen
 Have references to academic writings to support authors opinio
 Contain the reference to theoretical background: brief description and application of relevan
 Contain facts beyond the common knowledg
 Have critical evaluation of the given problem instead of pure descriptio
 Be relevant to the essay proble
Conclusion should
 Restate the main problem of the essa
 Include the final statement (overall conclusion
 Be free of new information (not mentioned above
Language should
 Be free from language mistakes (grammar, vocabulary, punctuation
 Be free from emotive language, publicist styl
 Comply with academic standards (huge, pretty much, thing, people
 Avoid repetitio
Structure should
 Be logical and consequen
 Theoretical grounds should be linked to the cases presented and describe
Introduction - 4 point
Main Body – 16 point
Conclusion – 4 point
Language – 3 point
Structure – 3 points
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