
Иностранные языки
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Срок сдачи
18 Мар 2015 в 23:59
10 дней
16 Мар 2015 в 21:31
Описание работы
3.переведите предложения
1. Reading endures a reputation as a dormitory for commuters. In fact, this town finds itself at the centre of the regions booming service economy.
2. Those who today launch the Parents against Tobacco campaign, supported by 50 national organizations and more than 150 MPs, believe we can meet that challenge.
3. Last Thursday, when the first races in the Cup began he crewed with one of th
challengers while his wife cheered him on from a pleasure boat.
4. Fundamentalism generally emerges out of cultures, which have remained undisturbed for many generations and then are challenged or disturbed.
5. The two countries were expected to confirm the breakthrough today after three days of discussion, ending a five-month freeze in contact.
6. Forces such as xenophobic passions, economic grievances, and transnational ethnic solidarity can make policymaking far more complex and less predictable
7. Over the years she has raised the profile of her small country and increased her own popularity
8. Im worried about consumerism, the focus on buying things that by any survival standard you don need, but which American advertising culture promotes like mad.
9. You will receive a course of antibiotics. Then, if this doesn work, more aggressive measures will be tried.
10. This change in the role of the church is highlighted in a new collected work on religious conversion.
11. Did Mr. Riddletell you anything, which suggested that he was on particularly bad terms with anybody?
12. There were no houses in sight. The sea on the one side and steeply rising ground on the other had so far discouraged developers.
13. Supporters of the measure said it would stop the too-frequent occurrence of criminals getting off on technicalities, as in cases in which evidence against them was ruled inadmissible because it was obtained with a faulty warrant.
14. A study of 200 magistrates showed that, while there was no deliberate gende
discrimination, many, particularly male magistrates, were more likely to see female offenders as troubled, rather than troublesome.
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