Написать ответы на вопросы по книге The catcher in the rye

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70% eTXT
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5 Апр 2020 в 19:00
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3 Апр 2020 в 16:40
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Написать ответы на вопросы приблизительно 2/3 страницы на английско
1.1: Make a list of at least three predictions for the book—think about characters, setting, and genre. As you read the first few chapters, write down whether your predictions were accurate.
1.2: Write a list of at least five events that have happened so far. Make a prediction about what the conflict, or problem, will be
1.3 The first few chapters of a book often contain a detailed description of the setting. Find a page with many setting details. Choose at least five specific details from the text. Do they have an importance for the events happening around them?
2.1: List three characters in the book so far. Describe their physical appearance, importance to the story, and character traits
2.2: Make a list of six events in the story. What caused each event? What was the effect of each event
2.3: Describe an exciting event from the book as if you were a sports broadcaster
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