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27 Фев 2015 в 23:59
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20 Фев 2015 в 11:21
Описание работы
ТЕМА: "Seasons and Weather"
Variant IV
2. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени от прилагательных ( прибавьте суффиксы -er, -est; или слова more и most; обратите внимание на исключения:
Small, young, good, clean, fast, wonderful, thin, many, different, little, warm, nice, hot, attractive.
II. Прочитайте и спишите предложения, употребив as … as, not so … as. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
Model: Mike is … tall … Pete.
Mike is as tall as Pete.
Mike is not so tall as Pete.
1. Kate is … nice … Ann.
2. My room is … light … this one.
3. This book is … thin … that one.
4. Sergei is … old … Vadim.
III. Перепишите предложения, употребив нужные по смыслу слова:
1. In summer the day are (shorter, longer) then in winter. 2. In winter the days are (warmer, shorter). 3. In autumn the nights are (longer, shorter) than in spring. 4. In winter the nights are (shorter, longer) than in summer. 5. The longest days are in (September, June).
IV. Прочитайте и переведите текст с 1 по 10 абзацы.
1. It is very nice in spring. The sky is often blue. The sun shines brightly in the sky. It is warm. It sometimes rains, but the rain is warm and pleasant.
2. Spring is a hard time for those who live in the country. There is a lot of work to do in the fields. Sometimes people are busy from morning till night. Tractors work in the fields day and night.
3. Children do not work in the fields. They go to school. They should work hard at the end of the school year.
4. Summer is as nice as spring. The sun shines brightly. It is warm and sometimes hot. It is warmer and hotter than in spring. The days are longer than in spring. The longest day of the year is the 22nd of June.
5. In summer children do not go to school. They have summer holidays. They often help fathers and mothers on a farm. There is always a lot of work there in this season.
6. Summer is a pleasant season. There is a lot of fruit and vegetables at that time. Some people like summer best of all.
7. After summer autumn comes. The days are shorter than in summer. The weather is not so pleasant as in spring and in summer. It often rains. The rain is cold and not pleasant at all. In September, the first autumn month, the school year begins in our country.
8. Autumn is the season of fruit and vegetables. It is the hardest time for country people. They should work hard in the fields. Children always help them with fruit and vegetables in autumn.
9. November is the coldest month in autumn. It sometimes rains and it often shows.
10. Winter is the coldest season. Sometimes the weather is pleasant. It often snows. Some people like when it snows. There is a lot of snow on the ground. The snow is clean and white. The ground is all white with snow. It is pleasant to walk when it is not very cold and it snows. The best holidays in winter are the New Year and Christmas.
V. 1. Выпишите из текста "Seasons" прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени.
2.Выпишите из 1, 2, 3, 4 абзацев предложения в Present Indefinite и переведите их письменно на русский язык.
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