Эссе на тему "мы ничего не можем сделать, чтобы предотвратить изменение климата"

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
26 Ноя 2019 в 02:00
0 ₽
10 дней
24 Ноя 2019 в 08:40
Описание работы
Complete the composition with a word or phrase from the list below. Use capital letters where necessary: finally, firstly, in most cases, nowadays, secondly, so, whereas, in addition, in conclusion. You're going to write a composition titled There is nothing that we as individuals can do to prevent climate change. Look at the Useful language expressions and make sure you know how to use them. Useful language Ways of giving your opinion (Personally) I think/I believe... In my opinion... Ways of giving examples There are several things we can do, for example / for instance/ such as... Another thing we can do is... We can also...
PLAN the content
1 Think about the introduction. This should state what the current situation is and why it is important. Decide what the effects of climate change are now in the world and in your country
2 Decide whether you agree or disagree with the title. Try to think of at least two or three good reasons to support your opinion, including examples of why you think the alternative point of view is wrong.
3 Think of how to express your conclusion (a summary of your opinion). This should follow logically from the examples you have given. WRITE 120-180 words, organized in four or five paragraphs (introduction, reasons, and conclusion). Use a formal style (no contractions or colloquial expressions). Use the phrases in b and in Useful Language. CHECK your composition for mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling ).
Написать на словарный запас человека со средним уровнем владения языка.
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