The Role of Сelebrity Image in Healthy Lifestyle Promotion

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13 Апр 2019 в 18:00
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10 Апр 2019 в 12:12
Описание работы

Write an essay about 1000 words long to outline the following:

1. What is your research according to the typology (objective/interpretative; are you determinist or believe in a free will)? Explain why the theory you’re using in your research is good or bad.

2. What would be the major model in your research: linear, transactional or interactional? Why? For this part please see another course textbook by West, chapter 1.

3. What is the communication theory paradigm of your research? Why?

. You start with the short intro to the topic of your research: What is it about? Main hypothesis?

b. How do you see communication within this research: linear/transactional/interactional? Why? This helps to understand the aspect of communication direction and the core focus of your study.

If communication is linear, you’d focus on the content. If communication transactional, you

usually focus on the process. If interactional – focus goes to the meaning creation.

c. When you have your main research questions, you usually start reading a lot which thus leads

you logically to the theory choice: knowledge as socially constructed (interpretative theory), or understood as cause-effect relationship (objective). Then you look at characteristics of good and bad theories. and just evaluate according the criteria.

d. Objective/interpretative research. Here we pay attention to the methods used mostly and

the gnosiological nature of you research. How the scientific knowledge is created in your research: objectivists say that it’s all about the one, single truth and the laws which define the society; interpretivists say it’s about the meaning that created and can be understood differently. So, as you are clear with what is the essence of knowledge (gnosiology) go ahead and pick your methods to collect and analyze your data.

e. What is the communication theory paradigm (choose from 7) of your research? Why? This is the decision to make when you answered all the questionstion

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