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Иностранные языки
Тип работы
95% Антиплагиат.РУ (модуль - Интернет Free)eTXTadvego
Срок сдачи
14 Дек 2018 в 18:00
1 850 ₽
10 дней
12 Дек 2018 в 11:31
Описание работы

1. Critically assess the flaws of the EU three-pillar legal system as established by the Maastricht Treaty which eventually led to its replacement with the system of exclusive, shared and supportive competences. Elaborate to what extent the latter resolved the flaws of the three-pillar system.

2. Critically assess the assumption that the European Union risks disintegration without transferring powers and competencies over the “high politics” from the national legislatures to common institutions.

3. Critically assess the importance of the “convergence criteria” as established by the Maastricht Treaty for the states willing to adopt the single currency. Elaborate to what extent these criteria influenced the contemporary economic processes in the Euro-zone.

The essays should meet the wording requirements, be logically structured and meet the minimum language standards.

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