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24 Окт 2018 в 23:55
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22 Окт 2018 в 15:13
Описание работы

Рассказ "The legacy" Virginia Woolf


1. Choose two of the four main characters in “The Legacy.” Create an imaginary dialogue between them, using some of the adjectives ( во вложении)

2. Imagine that you find Angela Clandon unconscious after her suicide attempt. Would you try to save her? In essay, consider the pros and cons of allowing her to kill herself.

Would the prevailing attitude toward suicide in your country affect your reasoning?

3. Imagine that you are Angela, Gilbert, or Sissy. Choose a period covering a few weeks in your character’s life. Keep a diary, reflecting his or her thoughts and feelings, making sure that they are consistent with the story’s plot and themes.

4. Luis Bunuel’s film Belle de Jour (1967) starred Catherine Deneuve as a wealthy surgeon’s wife who finds release from the frustrations of her daily routine by secretly 'working as a prostitute in a brothel during the afternoon. Write an essay on a book or movie you are familiar with that revolves around a wife or husband wdio lives a hidden life unknown to the spouse. Analyze what drives the person to such deception. Say which partner you sympathize with more, and why.

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