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19 Мая 2018 в 23:59
50 ₽
10 дней
18 Мая 2018 в 21:29
Описание работы
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A coat of paint can cover a multitude (множество) of sins (грех) but - not for very long. Correct planning of repairs and maintenance includes provision for the correct cleaning of surface before re-painting. Preventive maintenance and frequent inspection of coatings assist in the protection of holds, tanks, bilges and miscellaneous (разнообразные) storage spaces
It is important that ship's officers should be responsible for preventive maintenance of coatings.
Surface Preparatio
Before the application of maintenance coatings loose paint coatings, rust spots and pits must be cleaned back to the clean metal. Sound (зд. прочный, хороший) paint surfaces should not be removed but it is necessary to clean them thoroughly of dirt and grease and, preferably, roughen the top surface slightly. The ideal maintenance cleaning system, especially for outerbottoms (наружное дно) and deck is based on a variable low-pressure air-water abrasive action. Because the abrasive is wetted, the dust problem associated with open dry blastcleaning is eliminated.
Other cleaning methods for outerbottoms include rotary brushes which sometimes can operate under water: and high pressure water. Neither of these is recommended: the rotary brushes have difficulty up, in removing the root attachments of weed and, in chopping, presrelease spores which readily settle again: and the use sure water is dangerous to operating personnel.
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