Доклад\анализ программы кандидата в президенты Б. Ю. Титова на английском

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
Не указан
Срок сдачи
18 Фев 2018 в 22:00
300 ₽
10 дней
15 Фев 2018 в 21:38
Описание работы
Сделать доклад\анализ Б. Ю. Титова на английском программы:
1)Биография кандидата
2)Суть программы, цели.
по возможности ответить на вопросы, опираясь на программу:
1) Are you going to reduce the number of high-ranking officials and officials in general?
2) Shall we have the same Prime Minister and minister of economic development
3) How are you going to develop regions?
4) Are you ready to “cooperate” with Western countries to persuade them to drop the sanctions?
5) Are you going to establish the institution of lobbism?
6) How are you going to fight the corruption?
1) How are you going to spread budget money among the regions?
2) How are you going to fight budget deficit?
3) How to fight with increasing gap between the rich and the poor?
4) Should proposional taxation be changed by progressive one?
5) Will you continue to invest our budget money into US securities or return the money to Russia and invest into our economy?
6) What will you do with bankrupt reserve funds?
Social sphere:
1) Is it possible to make the higher education free?
2) Do you advocate religious education in schools?
3) How soon will we have enough kindergartens?
4) Which programs for disabled people can you offer?
5) Pensions: the size and the age
6) Living standards and minimum wage size
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Гарантия на работу 1 год
Средний балл 4.96
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Уникальность работы от 70%
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