Английский язык в деловом и профессиональном общении КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТНЫЙ ТЕСТ НА ОТЛИЧНО/СИНЕРГИЯ/МАЙ/2024

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21 Мая в 10:26
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150 ₽
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160.6 Кбайт 160.6 Кбайт
Компетентностный тест Компетентностный тест
226.8 Кбайт 226.8 Кбайт
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Английский язык в деловом и профессиональном общении- ответы комп тест
140.5 Кбайт 150 ₽


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Alfie Williams is a business student. He chose this academic field because of his father who is the head of the corporation in London. He always wanted his son to help him with his business. In fact, Alfie’s real passion is music. He enjoys playing the guitar and writing songs because it makes him feel happy.Choose the correct explanation of the motivation types.

Helen Barker is a traveller. She visits different countries because she likes meeting new people and cultures. She has got a professional camera. Helen takes photos almost every day because she has to share them in her social media to become a famous traveller blogger.Choose the correct explanation of the motivation types.

You apply for a Bachelor’s degree abroad. It is your first university experience in the foreign country that is why you want to network more with other students and professors, make social contacts and friends. In your opinion, group work is more effective and it makes you more organised and productive. The quality of the internet connection in your new apartment is not good, so you prefer face-to-face classes.Study the advantages of each type of learning and choose the most suitable one for this situation.

You apply for a Master’s degree. The university offers different forms of learning. You used to learn only in traditional classrooms. But now you want to try something new and modern. However, you are not sure that you will enjoy studying at home alone all the time. Also, the education shouldn’t be very expensive.Study the advantages of each type of learning and choose the most suitable one for this situation.

You are a high school teacher. Most of your students are motivated and interested in your subject. You want to bring their knowledge and skills to the new level. You are planning to teach them how to analyse and evaluate the information, let them identify the rules and problems of the subject by themselves.Choose the most suitable approach that can help children from your class to learn better.

You are a professor at university. You have conducted a survey among your students. According to the results of the survey, most of your students are experienced learners, they do not want to spend time on listening to lectures at the university. Many of them complain on the lack of practical activities.Choose the most suitable approach that can help students to learn better.

You are from Russia, but last year you decided to study abroad and now you are living and studying in Europe. The university enrolled you because you had passed all entrance examinations successfully. Also, you passed IELTS exam and got 7.5 points out of 9. Studying at the university in Europe is not hard for you because you have a high level of Academic English.Choose the level that matches the description.

Your native language is Russian. You learned French at school and German at college. You enjoy learning languages. Unfortunately, you have never studied English before, that is why you decided to take English lessons. You have been learning English for two months now.Choose the level that matches the description.

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