Выполнить практическую работу по Лексикологии английского языка

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29 Июн в 13:56
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28 Июн в 22:15
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Необходимо выполнить задания из практической

13.  Explain the etymology of the following words. Write them out in three columns:

a) fully assimilated words; b) partially assimilated words; c) unassimilated words. Explain the reasons for your choice in each case.

Pen, hors d'oeuvre, ballet, beet, butter, skin, take, cup, police, distance, monk, garage, phenomenon,

14.  Look up the origin of the words listed below. Comment on the etymological characteristics of the words.

Atmosphere, company, door, fashion, horse, hundred, husband, kilt, parliament, pneumonia, physician, summer, street, salmon.

15.  Rearrange the loan words listed below into eight groups according to their source language: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch/Flemish, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish.

Barricade, boom, cannibal, caravan, cruise, delicatessen, frankfurter, guitar, giraffe, geisha, glasnost, hamburger, harem, icon, judo, ketchup, mosque, motto, noodle, perestroika, prima donna, quartz, sauerkraut, sketch, studio, tea, tornado, tsunami, violin, yacht.

16.  Define the type of borrowings on the basis of the etymological information given: borrowings proper, semantic borrowings, loan translations, international words, neologisms. Analyse their meanings. Give their Russian equivalents.

Babushka ‘a woman’s head scarf, folded triangularly and tied under the chin’,

bureau ‘a subdivision of an executive department’, cargo, history, homesickness (G Heimweh), hyper ‘excited or nervous about something’, karaoke, mafia, manager, superman (G Übermensch), tragedy.

20.  Explain the etymology of the following words.

Sputnik, kindergarten, opera, piano, potato, tomato, droshky, czar, violin, coffee, cocoa, colonel, alarm, cargo, blitzkrieg, steppe, komsomol, banana, balalaika.

21.  Classify the following borrowings according to the sphere of human activity they represent. What type of borrowings are these?

Television, progress, football, grapefruit, drama, philosophy, rugby, sputnik, tragedy, coca-cola, biology, medicine, atom, prima donna, ballet, cricket, hockey, chocolate, communism, democracy.


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