На примере проблемы компании ответить на вопросы о законах

Иностранные языки
Тип работы
70% eTXT
Срок сдачи
26 Фев 2021 в 00:55
10 дней
21 Фев 2021 в 12:24
Описание работы

Ошибка АП 60 ЕТХТ

Объём работы: 2000 слов

Язык написания: Английский язык


You are a small furniture producer. To be in this line of business you want to purchase lumber from the National Forests (NF), an institution that owns 70 % of all forests in Poland, although, in theory, you can buy lumber from some smaller provider.

National Forest is not registered as an enterprise. Formally it is a state budget entity without a separate legal personality. Sale of lumber is actually done by its local divisions.

In return for the right to buy lumber from them, the NF wants you to bring a certificate that your company meets very high environmental protection standards. That certificate is available from a non-governmental organization for a high fee that bigger companies can easily afford but for your small business it is a lot of money.

Also, in return for the right to buy the lumber from them, the NF wants you to buy some of their debt they cannot collect from various businesses. This way you would be forced to become a creditor in place of the NF. It would be your problem, not NF’s, how to collect that money.

You refuse to buy lumber on such terms and you want NF to sell you the lumber with no conditions attached.


1. What law is NF breaking if any? What branch of law covers this problem?

2. Why NF is capable of making it difficult for you to buy lumber? How is such a market position called and what are its consequences? Elaborate.

3. How, using the law, can a small company force a big company to do business with it without being exploited? How would you call the illegal act conducted by the NF?

4. What state authority would you file your complaint with?

5. Does it matter in this case that the NF is not registered as a private business but as a state owned entity?

В эссе ответить на вопросы

С работой нужен отчет

Нужна такая же работа?
  • Разместите заказ
  • Выберите исполнителя
  • Получите результат
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Уникальность работы от 70%
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Быстрое выполнение от 2 часов
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